Click for larger image and other views RV-4 Parts SetRef: wh-rv4pk
Wendell's first release for 2014 is the pretty RV-4. It is a traditional all wood build, with glass cowl. Your Belair Parts Set includes all the shaped balsa and plywood parts to build the basic airframe. Plans not included with wood pack and must be ordered separately, see below. Wendell writes " 35%, Span,96.6", Length, 85.4", 1940 sq.in., Weight around 24 lbs. I test flew it with a 60cc DLE twin. It flies like a Cub or an Extra." Cowl, wheel pants and canopy are available from Fibertech N More P.O. Box 125 Illinois City, IL 61259 Phone: 563-940-7977 Web: www.fibertechnmore.com/ |