SALE 17% OFF  Click for larger image and other views Spitfire MK12 Parts Set & Plan Set by Dave PlattRef: dp-spitpk
As one of the Top Ten best-looking designs of all time (some say the best of all) the Spitfire quickly occupies a place in the hearts of all people who come to love airplanes. Its elegance, its record, and its significance in the course of world history have made it a genuine legend and masterpiece. Such factors are bound to make an airplane a favorite of model-builders, and here too the Spitfire comes up shining. Light, powerful, quick and stable even in small sizes, when built at 1/5 scale these attributes are capped with tremendously impressive size and authority in the air. Falling into the "giant scale" category, the model weighs from 16 up to 20 lbs. depending on power plant. A light one flies nicely with a Max .90, a heavier one is magnificent with a S.T. 2500. This is a ship that you almost can't overpower - its 88” elliptical wing of nearly 1,400 sq. ins. can handle far more weight than it will ever get. As with all Dave Platt designs, construction is relatively simple and certainly within the capability of a modeler who has built a couple of low-wing pattern style RC ships. Flying is similarly pleasant; with a flying-speed in the 65-80 m.p.h. range and low wing loading, it has an easy smoothness that quickly gives the confidence that allows a laid-back fun approach to flying. For the contest fans, we'll mention that this is the most accurate Spitfire available, with no changes to outline etc., and with its large repertoire of aerobatics, a powerful threat in any Giant Scale event. SPECIFICATIONS: Scale 1/5 full size (2.4" = 1'). Wingspan 88-1/2 ", Area 1,393 sq. ins., weight 16-19 lbs. fully equipped. Power needed: .90 up to 1.5 glo, or gas engine 1.8 to 2.4 cu. ins. Flying speed 65-80 m.p.h. Your Belair laser cut kit includes all the shaped balsa and plywood parts required to build the basic airframe, including major fuselage components, formers, wing ribs, tail parts, dihedral braces, all etched with their plan number - start buidling as soon as you roll the plan out. Full size multi-sheet plan included with Parts Set. Full accessories available from Belair including landing gear. We are very grateful to Ray Cox, UK for the photos of his finished Spitfire. |