SALE 21% OFF  Click for larger image and other views P-51 Mustang Parts & Plans Set by Dave PlattRef: dp-p51pk
Even if you've made a P-51 before we're sure you'll like the larger, more powerful, more accurate and more realistic version from Dave Platt much better. At last, this really is a P-51, right down to its gulled leading edge and the laminar-flow airfoil. Our claim of best accuracy has been proven in competition (highest Scale Masters static 1982). Building is simple and straightforward, requiring about 150 hours to complete the model. No, it isn't a quickie or an ARF but if you like to build your own models, this is the definitive P-51 worth your time. SPECIFICATIONS: Scale 1: 5.5 (2.2” = 1’) Wing Span 81 " Area 1109 sq. ins. Weight 16-18 lbs. fully equipped. Power needed: .90 to 1.20 glo 2 or 4-cycle, or gas engine 1.8 to 2.4 cu. ins. Flying speed 75-90 m.p.h. The Belair Parts Set features accurately laser cut parts, such as firewall, formers , wing ribs, plus all the shaped balsa and plywood parts shown on the plan. Builder needs to supply standard strip and covering. Start building today with the Belair Parts Set. Full size multi-sheet plan included with Parts Set plus Instructions, finishing book. NB: Plans are not sold separately. Full accessories available from Belair. |