Parts set for the Jerry Bates 1:4.5 and 1/5th scale Fokker DXXI.
Parts set is cut from original Bates data and includes a comprehensive set of balsa and plywood parts, such as fuselage sides, formers, bulkheads, wing ribs, tip shapes, tail and fin ribs, tailpost, plus many smaller parts. Plans not included and are available from Fighteraces in UK or directly from Jerry in the US/Canada - contact details on 'Designer' page.
1:4.5 scale Wingspan: 96.25" Length: 71.75" Weight: 24-26 lbs. Power: 50cc - 60cc
1:5th scale Wingspan: 86.6" Length: 64" Weight: 19-22 lbs. Power: 35cc - 45cc
Photo courtesy of Jerry Bates, featuring Gale Thorne's beautiful Fokker D.21 from his plans.