SALE 32% OFF  Stearman PT-17 77" Parts Set by ZiroliRef: zir-pt17pk
The Stearman taught more WWII pilots to fly than any other airplane. It's longevity is assured by the fact that many have been restored and are still in use today. Specifications Scale: 2.4" - 1', Wingspan: 77", Length: 59", Wing Area: 1725 sq/in. Weight: 16-20lbs. Power: 26cc-38cc gas Your Belair Parts Set includes all laser cut balsa and plywood parts, including ribs, bulkhead, formers, tip outlines, etc. Add your own strip and sheet wood to complete the basic airframe. Belair Models can also supply all genuine Ziroli accessories, such as the cowl, canopy, and dummy engine. Plan not included in Parts Set, available from Belair, select from option below. Optional cowl available from optiosn below. |