SALE 17% OFF  Click for larger image and other views Avanti by Donald Grassi - Classic Pattern ShipRef: ot-avanti
Avanti designed by Donald Grassi Published in RCMplans (ref:558), May 1974 60in wingspan for 60 size 2 strokes or electric equivalent. The Belair Parts Set includes all the shaped balsa and plywood parts that traditionally you would have cut by hand. Builder to add their own stripwood and covering to complete the basic airframe. Fuselage sides and doublers, formers, bulkheads, tailplanbe and fin/rudder parts, elevators, wing gussets, wing ribs with additional hole for servo leads, wing tip blocks, motor mounts in basswood. Internal hole runs have been included in the ribs so you can install the supplied servo mounts in the wing rather than use the old school single aileron servo and torque arms. Constructional tabs added to bottom of wing ribs allow you to build the symmetrical wing flat in your board without packing each rib - just cut off after your done buidling. Plans included. Use a commercial canopy of your choice, not supplied. Original magazine article available from our download section, click here. See photos below for overview of parts set contents. |